Together with Lucas von Ramin, Vincent Gengnagel and Georg Spoo, I have published the anthology Transformations of the Political open-access with transcript. The volume updates radical democratic theories for the political challenges of the 2020s - and transforms them into central contemporary diagnostic perspectives.

I am thrilled that the volume has finally been published. It is the result of a long and trusting collaboration, which had its first highlight at the FRIAS conference on the transformations of the political in Freiburg and which we continued at the workshop on the normativity of radical democracy theory in Dresden. I would like to thank all participants of the conference and workshop for the new discussions and my co-editors and all authors for this fantastic book.

With contributions from

  • Steffen Herrmann
  • Sergej Seitz
  • Jenni Brichzin
  • Oliver Marchart
  • Oliver Flügel-Martinsen und Franziska Martinsen
  • Sabrina Zucca-Soest
  • Sara Gebh
  • Hubertus Buchstein
  • Tobias Albrecht
  • Theresa Gerlach
  • Tim Wihl
  • Dagmar Comtesse
  • Karsten Schubert
  • Lucas von Ramin, Karsten Schubert, Vincent Gengnagel und Georg Spoo


Right-wing populism and authoritarianism, disputes over “identity politics”, the digitalization of public debate, and the power of conspiracy theories are leading to far-reaching social, cultural and political transformations. Theories of the political and radical democracy are particularly suitable for examining these transformations, as they analyze the fundamental fragility of the liberal order. However, it is questionable whether the radical democratic demand for a disruption of the liberal order is the right response to the transformations described. The contributions undertake a critical revision of theories of the political and thus open up the contemporary analytical potential of radical democratic approaches for the 2020s.

Cite, read, and download (open-access)

Ramin, Lucas von; Schubert, Karsten; Gengnagel, Vincent; Spoo, Georg (ed.) (2023): Transformationen des Politischen. Radikaldemokratische Theorien für die 2020er Jahre. Bielefeld: transcript.

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