Lecture Series on Critical Legal Theory
Audio online: Jelena von Achenbach (Giessen) explains the constitutional reasons for the Brandenburg Parity Law and why gender is a special factor of democratic representation under the German Basic Law
Aug 20 -
Lecture in Freiburg: Prof. Elisabeth Holzleithner (Vienna) speaks on crises of the liberal constitutional state. On the question of fear. Mon, 27.01.20, 18h ct
Jan 20 -
Lecture in Freiburg: Jun-Prof. Jelena von Achenbach (Giessen) speaks on gender and democratic representation under the Basic Law. Mon, 13.01.20, 18h ct
Jan 6
Lecture in Freiburg: Dr. Svenja Ahlhaus (Hamburg) talks about democracy, borders and membership. Tue, 26.11.19, 18h
Nov 18 - The Demo as Revolt - Lecture and Workshop with Dr. Tim Wihl on 15./16.07 in Freiburg Jul 8
Populismus und Verfassung - Vortrag und Workshop mit Kolja Möller am 28./29.05
May 23 - Die Auflösung des liberalen Konsenses - Vortrag und Workshopreihe im SS19 Apr 17