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We are very pleased that Dr. Svenja Ahlhaus is starting the lecture and workshop series this semester!

Tuesday, 26.11.19, 18.00 c.t., HS 3042, KG I

In democracies there is daily dispute about membership: Do naturalisation tests make sense? Should prisoners be allowed to vote? Can convicted terrorists have their passports revoked? It seems indisputable, however, that it is ‘we’ who are allowed to decide on ‘our’ borders. Against this widespread assumption, the thesis of the lecture is that membership decisions should be taken jointly by citizens and non-citizens. States are not clubs that can determine their own membership criteria, but must involve outsiders in decision-making on these border issues. But who should participate and how should decisions be taken? The lecture develops the outlines of a critical membership theory.

Workshop on 27.11.19, 9 o’clock s.t. - 12 o’clock s.t.

In the workshop we have the opportunity for an intensive discussion based on texts. The text will be sent when you register, which should be done by 20.11.19 at

More about the lecture series

Further dates and background information click here.

The lecture series is organized by Karsten Schubert with the support of the team of the Chair of Political Theory, Philosophy and History of Ideas at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg and in cooperation with the Freiburger Colloquium politicum.

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