Three Interviews: Queer Life and Corona / Sexism in Culture / Sex Work and Human Rights
I gave three media interviews on queer and feminist issues.
Siegessäule: Gay sex in Corona times: “Prohibitionist politics is not helpful”
In Siegessäule Magazin I talk with Daniel Sander about gay sex and queer solidarity in times of Corona. What can we learn from HIV prevention work? How do we get through these times without withdrawing completely into our private lives? And what will become of the queer places?
Schubert, Karsten; Sander, Daniel (2020): Schwuler Sex in Corona-Zeiten: „Verbotspolitik ist nicht hilfreich“. Karsten Schubert im Interview. In: Siegessäule 2020, 29.04.2020.
Badische Zeitung: “Question of Power Relations” - BZ interview with Karsten Schubert on debates on sexism and patriarchal rule
In an interview with the Badische Zeitung, I comment on fundamental questions concerning the relationship between antisexism and artistic freedom, which have been posed anew following a poem by the Rammstein singer Lindemann that describes a rape. I explain that the male protagonists of this little scandal (author, editor, editor) have above all displayed their lack of (feminist) education. The protest against sexist art is not a problem of freedom of expression, whereas the WDR-Oma-Gate is in fact an attack on the freedom of the press. We still live in patriarchal structures, although #metoo works well against it. I decode the criticism of political correctness in the conservative feuilleton as a defence of privilege, which can and should be broken by feminist criticism.
Schubert, Karsten; Keller, Tamara (2020): “Frage der Machtverhältnisse”. BZ-Interview mit Karsten Schubert über Sexismusdebatten und patriarchale Herrschaft. In: Badische Zeitung, 04.05.2020, S. 9. (Paywall) Full Text
Amnesty Aktuell Radio: Discrimination and stigmatization of sex workers
In a radio interview with Amnesty Aktuell I explain why, from the point of view of liberal and queer political theory, bans and criminalizations of sex work are harmfull. Demands for prohibition can be placed in the long history of stigmatization of deviant sexuality. They reinforce the prejudices against sex workers and contribute to a deterioration of working conditions. A queer approach helps against such stigmatisation by criticising the normalization of sexuality through power relations in general.
Broadcast time: Monday 4.5.2020, 17h at Radio Dreyeckland
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