Radical Democracy
New Open-Access Anthology: Transformations of the Political. Radical Democratic Theories for the 2020s
Dec 4 -
Identity politics and the democratization of democracy. Oscillations between power and reason in radical democratic and standpoint theory - New Article in Constellations
Oct 4 -
New article: Democratization Through Filter Bubbles. Affordances of Closures and Openings (in German)
Jun 26 -
Workshop: Normativity of Radical Democratic Theory?
Feb 27 -
New Article: A matter of elites? Identity politics between democratic representation and elite capture - APuZ Schriftenreihe
Feb 14
The tension between universalism/particularism and reason/power in democracy. New English and German short texts
Nov 22 -
Conference: Transformations of the Political. Radical Democratic Theory for the 2020s
Oct 19 -
CfP Workshop 'Normativity of Radical Democratic Theory'
Sep 5 -
New Podcast: Radical Theory of Democracy. A Perspective to Understand the Contestations of Gender Rights
Apr 21
New Publication: Constructivist Identity Politics. Why Democracy Requires Particular Positioning (Journal of Political Science)
Oct 25 -
Publication: The Last Universalism. Foucault's Freedom and the Justification of Radical Democracy in Postfundamentalism, in 'The Political (in) Political Theory'
Oct 6 -
September program: Foucault and sexual liberation, academic freedom and authoritarianism, identity politics and polarization, the future of radical democracy, neoliberalism and anti-genderism
Sep 5 -
Radical Democracy and the Representation of Gender Rights Workshop at Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld
Jul 28 - Teaching in the summer term: HS Standpoint Theories and HS Radical Theory of Democracy Apr 30
CfP: 'Transformations of the Political. New Perspectives of Radical Theory of Democracy' - Panel at the DVPW Congress 2021
Feb 5