Filter through tags: #ichbinhanna1 Academic Freedom7 Academic Outreach1 Authoritarianism1 Biopolitics16 Biopolitik1 Cancel Culture8 CfP1 Christianity1 Christoph Menke3 Corona10 Critique2 Democracy11 Demokratie1 Digital Communication5 Diversity1 ECPR1 Elite capture2 Fiction1 Foucault19 Freedom2 Freedom as Critique11 Freedom of Art5 Freedom of Speech4 FRIAS1 Gay3 Gender7 Identity Politics17 Identity Politicss1 Institutions3 Interview5 Journal Diskurs2 Law16 Lecture Series on Critical Legal Theory8 Liberalism4 Macht1 Methods1 Migration2 Normativity3 Particularism2 Political Correctness16 Positions1 Power2 PrEP11 Privilege5 Public Outreach15 Quantitative Research1 Queer15 Radical Democracy15 Reason2 Redistribution3 Representation2 Right-wing Populism10 Security Policy1 Sexism1 Sexual Liberation3 Sexuality3 Standpoint Epistemology2 Standpointepistemology1 Teaching6 the Political3 Trans*1 Universalism2 Weizenbaum Institut2 Wissenschaftsfreiheit1 Wissenschaftskommunikation2 ZiF Bielefeld42022
Video online: Panel discussion on Social Theory for Research in Pandemic Times at the University of Warwick
Dec 30 -
New publication: The crux of the nuclear family
Dec 23 -
New Publication: 'Queer and Gay Theory' in the Foucault Handbook
Nov 11 -
Research Semester at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biefeld: Global Contestations of Women's and Gender Rights
Sep 17 -
Lecture on PrEP at Viral Masculinities Online Conference - with recording
Aug 30 -
PrEP as Democratic Biopolitics. On the Critique of the Biopolitical Repression Hypothesis - New Publication in the Yearbook Sexualities
Jul 9 -
Three Interviews: Queer Life and Corona / Sexism in Culture / Sex Work and Human Rights
May 4 -
Video online: PrEP changes Sex. Gay Subjectivity, Biopolitics, and Democracy, Keynote at taz Berlin
Mar 4 -
Publication: Dispute over HIV-PrEP: Stigma, homophobia and the liberation of gay sexuality on magazin.hiv
Jan 25 -
Queer Lecture: How PreP changes sex, 7.2.20, taz Haus Berlin
Jan 18